During a presentation to the Los Angeles Chapter of the International Coach Federation, a coach asked me whether transformation could be as quick and efficient as I had claimed in my talk.  “I’ve tried other techniques,” she said, “but the only thing that’s worked is...

“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”   Napoleon Hill (1883-1970) wrote this famous line in his classic 1937 book, Think and Grow Rich.  Hill drew on stories of Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and other millionaires of his generation to illustrate his...

For decades, I wanted more. More stuff. More money. More clients. More friends. More love. More attention.  This egotistical desire served me well.  I got a lot of everything, and in many cases, more than I could handle! The hunger for “more” seems to be...

Looking out over an ocean of colorful faces and blue uniforms, I see a room-full of prisoners inside San Quentin Prison.  All shades of flesh color the room, from dark blue-black to the brightest lily white, and every shade of brown, beige and tan.  Their...

After studying more than twenty different belief-change methodologies, I was able to identify seven crucial elements of the belief change process.  I tested these methodologies personally, and also with my clients.  If all seven are present, a belief can be completely eliminated from the core...

During the past five decades, since the earliest years of the Feminist movement, there has been an increasing awareness and interest in the Divine Feminine. Hundreds of websites focus on exploring all aspects of the feminine, including the Goddess and how she appears in all...

(Humor) Endarkenment: The Top 40 Ways to Make Yourself Miserable (Along with Everyone Else Around You) I have spent most of my life making myself unhappy, and I learned long ago how to share my misery with others. In writing this article, I didn’t want to rely on...

I'm sometimes asked, “Why not just eliminate all your beliefs? Isn’t that the point of enlightenment?” It is possible to eliminate all of your beliefs with the Clear Beliefs Process. It would take some time – because you've accumulated tens of thousands of beliefs in your lifetime. Consider language. It's a...

The Red Queen proclaimed that she sometimes believed six impossible things before breakfast. In Tim Burton’s fantastic film, Alice in Wonderland, Alice is portrayed as an ingénue who is caught between two worlds: the staid expectations and beliefs of her Victorian era social structure (as...