23 Nov Why Not Eliminate All Beliefs?
If you want to operate in the world (the non-enlightened world), you need beliefs to function.
Beliefs are the alphabet we use to construct the language of experience.
If you’re building a house, you need to carry and use the tools required to build houses. Every “world” has its own set of beliefs – tools – that are required to operate in that world.
If you want to be effective and powerful in the world, you need to hold beliefs about yourself that create the experience of effectiveness and empowerment.
What experiences do you want to have? When you answer that question, you can identify, create, and take on beliefs that will create those experiences.
What experiences would you prefer not to have? When you answer that question, you can delete the beliefs that cause those unpleasant experiences to occur.
Most of our beliefs are transparent to us. They operate in the background, painting a picture of the world in front of our eyes that are based on those beliefs. Like looking through colored lenses, we soon forget we’re looking through a filter. That’s just how the world looks.
The Clear Beliefs Process brings subconscious beliefs (the ones running your life) up to the conscious level, so you can examine them, see what experiences they’re creating, and decide for yourself whether you want to keep them or let them go. This is true empowerment.
If you’re a coach, healer, therapist, or change agent, you’ll want to learn methods for belief change for yourself and your clients. Check out the Clear Beliefs Coach Training, which is presented twice each year.
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yonit crystal
Posted at 11:54h, 12 Maythank you
Brad Cassidy
Posted at 16:57h, 16 OctoberGood stuff Lion! A simple concept but one that so few actually understand. Knowing our beliefs is truly an element of mastery. Knowing our cultures over-arching beliefs is yet another. It is all so valuable.
Neal A
Posted at 22:02h, 03 DecemberGreat Stuff!!
J. Adam Milgram
Posted at 10:12h, 02 MarchWe live by belief! Right or wrong/good or bad.
Eleanor Grande
Posted at 18:07h, 18 JanuaryBeliefs. Maybe this occurs like the exits off a major freeway. You have a destination (major path); however, there may
be a Belief resting inside you that does not appear when I’m on that main road. . .I let the road become my focused
Then, for whatever reason, I decide to take an exit, maybe to just relax from my long drive, get out and stretch my
legs. And I see a beautiful wooded area with a small lake hidden amongst the greenery.
Just for a moment, I no longer am thinking about that main highway, I only am being part of this new
unexpected discovery on my trip.
Is this what can occur when a new “belief” in whatever form show up to challenge our ordinary-ness????
And I want to explore it, name it, partake of whatever I see (feel), and perhaps take the memory with me
a subtle change having occurred in me, so that I will incorporate that experience into my “Belief” system of Reality.